Common Commercial Roofing Mistakes which Leads to Water Penetration Issues

98% of roofing problems occur in perimeters. Meaning to say, anything that can obstruct or clogged through the roof breaks can make serious damages. In most cases, these are the plumbing stacks, drains shafts, stacks and curbs. If these parts of the roofing system are affected due to clogging, it can result in leaking problems regardless whether your roof is made from strong materials such as metal. The best way to avoid the problem is by preventing your roof itself from clogging. It can be anything such as dry leaves, branches and other objects that can potentially clock the system.

What Not To Do

  • All in all, in order not to turn the situation from bad to worse, it is important not to use non-compatible materials like plastic, cement or plywood. From time to time, you should make sure that your roof is free from clogging.
  • Another common mistake some people made is by covering electrical cords when they’ve noticed leak manifestation. However, these areas should be checked from time to time. Moreover, never make a hole in the roof when clogging starts. Aside from the fact that this is not effective, it can also make your roof bad.
  • There are plenty of ways on how to deal with the leak problems. Whichever you prefer, you should always look for a high-quality sealant to ensure its effectiveness.

Water Penetration

Call Your Roofing Contractor

The best way to deal with the problem is to try not to be a genius and call commercial roofing contractors Northern Virginia. The roofing contractor will not just deal with the problem but will also assess your roof from waterproofing. This makes sure that there will be no further issues and you have nothing to worry about. There are three different methods a roofing contractor can do recognized by the metal roofing alliance, for challenging penetration and waterproofing and these are:


  • Metal Roofing – Contractor will commonly use the Elastomeric Sealant which is designed for metal, concrete, and wood. Ideally, this sealant can deal with gutter problems, drainage problems, damaged edges, and termination roofing bars.
  • MB/BUR Roofing System – contractors will use the three coursing approach and these are fabric layering, first layering sealant, and second layering sealant. The last step would be the so-called sugar-in matching granules. This approach is the most practical and effective way for waterproofing since it does not require any mixing process and easy to use. Moreover, the pouches used are reusable which in any case, can make the most out of it when it comes to the roofing issues.
  • Pitch Pocket System is also ideal for MB/BUR Roofing system which is made from urethane. This is specially made and designed to seal roofing issues in the most difficult penetration such as Asphalt roofing. This approach is fast, easy and very versatile allowing you to make custom shapes to fit any leak issues.

Things To Keep In Mind

Before calling your roofing contractor, it is best to check your roofing warranty first and determine whether it covers damages and leaks such as these. If not so, you may have to check your insurance and check if the policy can cover such issues. In any case, you hired a different contractor, you should be aware that the warranty can be voided.

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